
 In his first film, Shane Atkinson goes back to a cinema that isn’t afraid of mixing genres, where noir and western coexist with the most corrosive of comedies and pulp detective stories. LaRoy, some sort of earthly fairy tale, centers around the life of Ray—he’s doing quite well with his small hardware store, and is married to Stacy-Lynn, the town’s beauty queen. But his dream present crumbles when his friend Skyp, a private investigator, reveals to him that his wife is having an affair. Devastated by the news, he decides to take his own life, but when he’s about to shoot himself, he is approached by a man who mistakes him for a hitman and offers him a considerable amount of cash for a job. A wildly intelligent narrative about pathetic characters that oscillates in the thin line between irony and empathy without the audience noticing.


 In his first film, Shane Atkinson goes back to a cinema that isn’t afraid of mixing genres, where noir and western coexist with the most corrosive of comedies and pulp detective stories. LaRoy, some sort of earthly fairy tale, centers around the life of Ray—he’s doing quite well with his small hardware store, and is married to Stacy-Lynn, the town’s beauty queen. But his dream present crumbles when his friend Skyp, a private investigator, reveals to him that his wife is having an affair. Devastated by the news, he decides to take his own life, but when he’s about to shoot himself, he is approached by a man who mistakes him for a hitman and offers him a considerable amount of cash for a job. A wildly intelligent narrative about pathetic characters that oscillates in the thin line between irony and empathy without the audience noticing.



答:这部影片的上映时间是2024-06-14 12:23:03


答:《德州小可怜[影视解说]》网络播出平台有:腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果tv等收费app。推荐你去【汐汐影视】一个免费追剧平台 。


答:德州小可怜[影视解说]是由沙恩·阿特金森执导,斯蒂夫·扎恩,约翰·马加罗,迪伦·贝克,凯兰崔尔·斯蒂尼曼,马修·德尔·内格罗,鲍勃·克莱德宁,布拉德·利兰,梅根·史蒂文森,Emily,Pendergast,瑞欧·亚历山大,亚历克斯·奈特,Vic,Browder,咪咪·弗莱彻,Brannon,Cross,Brooks,Hall,Darcy,Shean,Marion,Birdsall,Ian,A.,Hudson,Teagan,Ireland,Versai,Knight领衔主演的电影。该剧于2024-06-14 12:23:03在腾讯爱奇艺汐汐影视优酷、等平台同步播出。






Mtime时光网网友评价:我一直认为所谓的影片是绘声绘色的书 比小说更高 基于虚拟与幻想 回头一想却都是现实的虚幻影子

